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Fondation de France extends its OpenText Content Server capabilities with Module Suite

"Module Suite is the best solution for companies that need to implement ECM processes easily and have not been able to fulfill their needs with Content Server OOB features. Several functionalities are already implemented in Module Suite, leaving you to just take care of the configuration. If there are more specific requirements, new functionalities can also be developed using Content Script, a genuine scripting solution for Content Server based on Groovy. With Module Suite we can leverage industry standard languages like Java, HTML and CSS, making the ECM more flexible and eliminating the need for specialized Oscript* developers."

*(OpenText proprietary language)

Laurie Lepage
AnswerModules Technical Expert, AEROW
The Fondation de France ("Foundation of France") is an independent administrative agency established in 1969 in an effort to stimulate and foster the growth of private philanthropy and private foundations on the French territory. Fondation de France is member of the Network of European Foundations for Innovative Cooperation.
From OpenText Content Server Platform to Module Suite

Experience feedback by Joseph Behaghel, Project Manager at Fondation de France

"9 years ago, we opted for the market leading Content Server solution by OpenText, as part of our electronic document management relating to volunteers and employees. Despite the rich features offered by the solution, users feedback was negative (not intuitive, complex interface…) hence the need to completely overhaul the structure of our platform."

"AEROW introduced us to ModuleSuite which offered many features that could meet our expectations. We have worked on several projects, the first being a project for indexing PDF documents using a particular OCC module offered by Content Server"

"The project was a true success thanks to AnswerModules and AEROW's technical teams. Faced with negative feedback from users, we had to undertake a second major project in order to provide an adequate solution to improve user experience."

"In May 2016 we chose (with the help of Laurie Lepage) to gradually revamp the user interface including Workflows, Volunteers Forms and Employees. The goal was to meet the needs of users in terms of convenience and functionality."

"In the coming months, we will introduce a more complex project consisting of a complete change in the Content Server interface with the addition of new features, including document access and viewing."

"Integrating ModuleSuite gave us the opportunity to move from a negative user experience to complete user satisfaction. With this we ensured a bright future for our ECM and streamline related processes."

"It goes without saying that we will continue to work with AnswerModules and AEROW's teams which added the strong value necessary for the success of our projects."
Integration Partner
AEROW is the first French integrator of Enterprise Content Management solutions. With a strong experience in the areas of Business Intelligence, Digital, Performance and Change Management, AEROW offers a complete support in the process of dematerialization and digital transition.

AEROW's objective is to improve content management by providing solutions adapted to customer needs and requirement.
With a 200+ staff, AEROW brings the best of ECM expertise to ensure every project's success.

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