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Module Suite empowered AEROW to deliver tailored solutions that better reflected its customers' requirements.

"Module Suite is the solution we've always been waiting for...The way its tools have been designed goes far beyond our expectations and allows us to easily develop quite fancy solutions within Content Suite / Extended ECM."

"With Module Suite we can now easily connect Content Suite / Extended ECM with any other platform... in this regards it might be one of the best ROIs you can get with the solution."

Laurent Loviconi
Business Development, AEROW
AEROW is the first French integrator of ECM solutions. With a strong experience in the areas of Business Intelligence, Digital, Performance and Change Management, AEROW offers a complete support in the process of dematerialization and digital transition. AEROW's objective is to improve content management by providing solutions adapted to customer needs and requirement.
Why AEROW adopted Module Suite.

AEROW is AnswerModules' first French partner, that for numerous years has been providing its customers with consultancy services and solution developments for OpenText Content Suite / Extended ECM (CS/xECM). Although AEROW had OScript developers proficient with the Content Suite SDK, it recognized Module Suite as the game changing technology for its OpenText ECM practice, with which to jump-start projects that were previously not possible. Thanks to its expertise and the Module Suite's capabilities, AEROW was able to deliver higher value consultancy, reduce TCO due to shorter development cycles and increase the precision of the delivered business solutions, resulting in more satisfied customers. Moreover, even when multiple platforms were available Module Suite demonstrated to be the ideal solution thanks to its numerous features, such as the ability to open communication as well data interchange between Content Suite and different systems.

Improved pre-sales. 

By utilizing Module Suite's full capabilities, AEROW was able to build and deliver highly targeted POCs. Their effectiveness was also due to the numerous ready-to-use APIs which allowed AEROW to promptly and precisely satisfy customers' requirements. Consequently, RFP response times were also reduced while the accuracy in effort estimates increased: thanks to the flexibility of the solutions that Module Suite allowed to implement, AEROW could easily manage on time any changes to the requirements. Module Suite's enhancement of Content Suite led AEROW's customers to be increasingly convinced in considering Content Suite as their privileged platform on which to develop tailored business solutions.

    • 20+ Resources trained and enabled on Module Suite.
    • 10+ Customers adopting Module Suite.
    • 30+ Projects with Module Suite.
The results obtained with the Module Suite.
Reducing TCO. Thanks to the fact that with Module Suite new developments are never starting from scratch, AEROW was able to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership due to shorter development cycles. Therefore, whenever a customer needed to jump-start a new project, it could be easily done without encountering budgeting concerns, in fact additional solutions and features were being requested as part of the new project.

Delivering more value. Module Suite's ease of use made AEROW's customers happier as they were able to be autonomous in implementing minor changes, therefore preserving the partner assistance for major concerns. Consequently, AEROW was able to focus on delivering higher value consultancy on specific business solutions.

Enhancing flexibility. Module Suite integration capabilities enabled AEROW to simplify the communication and data interchange with different systems. These integration solutions empowered AEROW with outstanding flexibility for implementing all sorts of use-case scenarios, while the non-intrusive nature of Module Suite allowed for streamline upgrades as well as ease of maintaining customizations. Whenever possible, AEROW replaced complex customizations developed on OScript with easily maintainable solutions implemented with Module Suite's common programming languages.

Increasing the adoption of Content Suite / Extended ECM. With Module Suite, AEROW was able to deliver higher value results characterized by greater functionality as well as an overall improved UX. The payback of adopting the Module Suite was instantly evident to customers as they could better exploit their CS/xECM licenses by creating additional department-specific or company-wide solutions. This incremental usage of the CS/xECM licenses ultimately reflected positively on the customers' ECM investment's ROI.
AEROW's future with Module Suite.
On-boarding new resources
AEROW's plan is to invest and expand its ECM's practice capabilities. The Module Suite is perfectly aligned to this objective as it allows AEROW to bring on board new talent with reduced training effort. This is largely thanks to Module Suite's use of common programming languages, intuitive tools and readily-available material.

"Thanks to the ease of use of Module Suite and its common programming language, training new resources is much faster."
Vertical solutions
AEROW realized that with Module Suite it would be easily feasible to develop POCs into full-fledged vertical solutions. By productizing developments AEROW will be able to fully exploit Module Suite's capabilities on a larger scale and subsequently open new opportunities.

"Thanks to Module Suite it is easier for us to develop really innovative solutions, we are able to act almost as a product company."

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