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Città di Lugano adopted Module Suite to quickly personalize their ECM platform and smoothly implement complex business applications.

"Module Suite gave us the possibility to fully implement complex business solution within Content Suite. Otherwise, we would have been obliged to develop several external web applications and integrate them with the platform afterwards."

Roberto Di Gisi
ECM Team Leader,
Città di Lugano
The city of Lugano, a point of reference between the North and South of the Swiss Alps, is a model of innovation and collaboration.

The city provides professional, innovative, sustainable, and easy-to-access services. It works with local citizens and businesses in their best interest to make their common ambitions attainable.

Lugano promotes digital transformation, technological innovation, development and research.
The Challenge.

Città di Lugano has a strategic multi-year plan towards the digital transformation of the city and has identified Extended ECM as one of the key platforms for this initiative.

Before turning to AnswerModules, almost every municipal department had its own set of solutions bought or created over the years. The challenge therefore was to provide enterprise-wide solutions that could meet the needs and expectations from users of various different departments.

As Extended ECM addresses the needs of companies from diverse industries, it would have been difficult to satisfy Città di Lugano’s specific requirements exclusively with the ‘out-of-the-box’ capabilities. However, at the same time the IT team realized that customizing the platform would have been rather complex and time-consuming. 

A solution was needed to facilitate the personalization of the platform in order to meet Città di Lugano’s various business requirements.
The Solution.

After evaluating the different options available on the market, Module Suite proved to be the way to go. Easy-to-learn and easy-to-use, Module Suite provided the means by which Città di Lugano could quickly personalize their ECM platform and smoothly implement complex business applications.

  • OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
  • OpenText Content Suite
  • Module Suite
Key Points.

Streamlining operations. One of Città di Lugano’s initial projects was to effectively digitize the management of incoming correspondence.  The solution implemented with Module Suite utilized an intuitive form that assisted back-office workers in categorizing incoming correspondence and subsequently forwarding it to the right person or office for processing. This solution not only speed up the overall process but minimized the effort of all users involved. 

Module Suite gave us the possibility to create user-friendly forms to streamline our operations.”

Outbound correspondence. As part of the correspondence management improvement, the drafting of outbound correspondence had to be standardized in order to ensure that the new corporate identity guidelines were being followed.


To do so, Città di Lugano implemented a workflow-based process whereby a form allowed for the semi-automatic creation of documents based on pre-defined templates. Besides maintaining consistency with the corporate identity, the use of Module Suite allowed for information (ex: recipient’s address, sender’s details, etc.) to be automatically injected into the final document as non-editable sections. Users still retained the ability to manually add to the correspondence’s body if needed. This guided and highly automated process resulted in improved productivity and a greatly reduced rate of human error.


We managed to create an automated and guided process which ultimately decreased the inputs needed from users” 


Seamless UIs. End-user adoption was challenging as users were accustomed to their solutions and adverse to changes. Therefore, Città di Lugano had to ensure that any changes to the standard look&feel were almost transparent to the end users. Thanks to the flexibility provided by Module Suite Città di Lugano managed to break through this resistance to change. Whenever a tailored interface had to be implemented the attempt was made to keep it as aligned to the standard UI as possible which in turn facilitated end-user’s adoption.


Module Suite allowed us to create personalized UIs that are very close to the standard interface thereby providing a seamless experience for our end users”  


Productivity through integrations. Thanks to Module Suite’s integration capabilities, Città di Lugano was able to effortlessly utilize citizens’ information within their solutions. By integrating Extended ECM with an external database, citizens’ data could be seamlessly injected into forms, documents, processes, ecc.  ultimately avoiding manual input and ensuring data accuracy.  In addition, the integration with the services of an external print center allowed users to send documents and correspondence for printing and mailing directly from the platform. 


Integrations are an ever increasing essential theme for Città di Lugano as they are fundamental in automating processes as well as to ensuring that data is always up to date between various systems and sources.


“Citizens’ data can now be automatically retrieved from the external database and utilized within user’s daily work without the need for manual inputs and therefore reducing almost to zero the margin for errors” 


Quickly becoming productive. Customizing the platform using OScript was going to be an effort intensive endeavor, this however was not the case with Module Suite. Thanks to its low-coding approach, use of non-proprietary language and support from AnswerModules, Città di Lugano quickly became productive with Module Suite . The fact that Module Suite was characterized by a low learning curve also facilitated Città di Lugano in finding and training new resources as the IT team expanded.


From the start Module Suite, provided great benefits in terms of accelerating and simplifying our developments efforts” 

The Results.

Module Suite was deemed an invaluable component for Città di Lugano’s digital transformation journey. It paved the way for Città di Lugano to efficiently implement and evolve complex business applications directly on Extended ECM, allowing for the needs of various departments to be met on one single platform.  Module Suite delivered on its promise of being both an enabler and accelerator for digital transformation.

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